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ترجم هذا المنتدى إلى أشهر لغات العالم
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ترجم هذا المنتدى إلى أشهر لغات العالم


 about the middle ages

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 16
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/12/2008

about the middle ages Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: about the middle ages   about the middle ages Emptyالخميس فبراير 12, 2009 1:26 am

this articale wich is about the middle ages is very short and easy.i hope you will see it before the exam
the main reasons behind the fall of the roman empire and what kind of roles did christianity play in the fall of the empire
_the main reasons behind the fall of the roman empire

Decline of the Roman army - it became less well equipped and trained and more and more relied on Germanic mercenaries rather than its own citizens.

Constant war - Germanic tribes were numerous and Rome had difficulty fighting them and exercising diplomacy over such a large area all the time.

Frontier - The Roman frontier was vast and couldn't be manned in sufficient numbers along its entire front. Roman defence was linear, ie all along the frontier, and there was no defence in depth. Therefore when barbarians broke through the frontier they were free to wander around the Empire until troops caught them up.

Division into Western and Eastern empires - there was a degree of rivalry between the Empires and a lack of aid between them.

Lack of advancement - Rome did not advance scientifically or technologically during its course.

Financial trouble - The Empire was expensive to maintain. Citizens were overtaxed - and thus disenchanted - while the army and wars were very expensive. The situation was a vicious circle with currency devaluing incredibly
As for Christianity, it affected the fall of the Roman Empire in the following ways;

Firstly, as a religion, it looks towards the salvation of individual souls and life after death. The Roman State religion looked to the salvation of the State. So, as more people became Christians, less people put the State first.

Secondly, Christianity did not fit comfortably with military life. There is evidence to show that large numbers of soldiers 'disappeared into cloisters' (i.e, became religious men).

Thirdly it detracted from loyalty to the Roman State on an everyday level. The Church cared for the sick, old, infirm, orphans, etc, filling a gap left by the Empire. This brought more focus on the Church which, again, lessened the importance of the Empire.

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